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Filming Arrangement (Coordinator)
Future Stage has accumulated a wealth of achievements such as program filming・TV CM・MTV・corporate video. Any kind of filming such as Olympic and Sports event can be arranged and coordinated for all clients. We can also negotiate with local sponsors and liaise with media teams from other countries. With a strong team of Japanese, Future Stage is able to assist and support any filming in Japan as we are fluent in the culture, requirements and permits needed.
We also have a strong team consisting of several people from Southeast Asia countries including Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Cambodia. Research will be conducted prior to filming to ensure that it goes smoothly.
Besides filming programs and commercials, Future Stage also film dramas and news coverage. Professional and experienced staff will conduct the filming and prepare equipments accordingly.
Current events requires research and survey to be conducted in various situations. We do research which is necessary to prepare for photography shoots or filming beforehand. Survey should also be conducted on market competitors on the occasion of new product launches according to each project. A report would be provided by Future Stage on the details of the research.
▪︎Program Content Research
▪︎Product Marketing Research
▪︎Research on filming subjects
▪︎Research on the topic of the program
Countries surveyed are not only in Southeast Asia but also throughout Europe. We have contract investigators in each country, so investigations and reports are generated effectively.
All-in-one Filming Coordination
For urgent news report and filming without director, Japanese photographers are not able to respond to filming on the spot such as news programs and last minute filming of variety shows, etc. This can happen in many situations such as press conferences which might be of high importance.
Filming will be conducted while giving instructions to cameramen in the field from Japan using Skype, FaceTime or Line Video call.




弊社が運営する iReporter.jp では世界で活躍する調査員・制作クルーがリモートでお客様のご要望にお答えします。